The only CRM built for TRUEFREEDOM

Save time

Save steps

Increase speed

Better your connections

Get where you want to go, faster!

Run a system that solves problems, not creates them.

What we didn’t realize was that CONNECT would help us reduce time by ½ and increase business 3x, 4x and more – Soon we’d landed over 11,000 clients and gone nationwide.

Choose innovative partners who think
as you do.

CONNECT founders John Eliason and Chuck Fowler self-starters who went from zero – no money and no clients, launching from a basement to becoming award-winning entrepreneurs. Learn more about them here.

We’re all on the same page

A single version of CONNECT exists across all users, nobody gets left behind. There’s very little set-up, CRM and Broadcast Email Marketing are preloaded with our best methods. Run the same 2x in ½ the time system as we do, or modify to meet the nuances of your business.

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